What is A Stake Puller & Post Puller

A stake or post puller is a device that uses leverage to remove fence stakes and various types of posts from the ground. They are made from sturdy metals, like steel, and are resistant to rust.

The mechanism of stake pullers is simple, but the amount of power these devices afford may surprise you. Some pullers provide a 16-to-1 power advantage, or the ability to apply 16 times as much force as you would without the puller.

Did you know that almost 65 million Americans have experienced at least one recent episode of back pain?

There are almost countless ways you can hurt your back, but one sure way of doing that is by trying to pull out concrete stakes without the use of a tool. The good news is that there are many types of stake & post pullers you can rely on to spare your back and get the job done right.

Risks Addressed

Heavy lifting and carrying and stooped postures with twisting and bending can cause low back disorders, such as muscle strain or a disc herniation (“slipped disc”), which is bulging of disc material possibly pressing on the spinal cord or nerves that go into the leg. A stake puller or post puller reduces the risks of MSDs associated with repetitive bending, twisting, and pulling because they are operated by pushing down on a handle from an upright position.

Stressful hand and wrist activity can cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as muscle strains; tendonitis, which is inflammation of elbow and wrist tendons; or carpal tunnel syndrome, which is compression of a wrist nerve, resulting in finger numbness and loss of hand strength. A stake or post puller reduces the risks of MSDs associated with repetitive bending, twisting, and pulling because they are operated by pushing down on a handle instead of pulling up on the post or stake.

How Are Risks Reduced?

Stake pullers or post pullers minimize the duration of stooped posture because once in place, the tool can be operated from a standing position. A brief stooped posture is required to align the rebar, stake, or post into the gripping piece. Additionally, stake or post pullers eliminate pulling, lifting, and twisting of the forearm and wrist, which is required in traditional rebar removal. Instead, pushing down on the handle while standing is sufficient to pull out the rebar, stake, or post.

Stake p or post pullers minimize the duration of stooped posture because once in place, the tool can be operated from a standing position. A brief stooped posture is required to align the rebar, stake, or post into the gripping piece. Additionally, stake or post pullers eliminate pulling, lifting, and twisting of the forearm and wrist, which is required in traditional rebar removal. Instead, pushing down on the handle while standing is sufficient to pull out the rebar, stake, or post.

Get the best concrete stake puller now - Shop the JackJaw 200!

Are You Ready to Use a Stake Or Post Puller?

Now that you’ve learned about what a stake & post puller is and how it helps in construction, you can make sure you always have one handy. The next time you see someone bending down to pull up a stake with their bare hands, you can tell them how to do it with ease - By using a JackJaw Stake Puller or JackJaw Post Puller!

JackJaw® stake and post pullers are built in Ohio by Construction Accessories, Inc. The company currently offers 31 different models of extractors for 6 industries.

View the website www.jackjaw.com or contact Bob Anderson at bob@jackjaw.com or 937-609-8937 for more information!

Karen Anderson
Karen Anderson

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