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Proudly Made In The USA 🇺🇸
March 04, 2021 2 min read
Do you have a home DIY project that involves pulling fence posts out of the ground? Are you wondering how to remove fences from your yard without hurting yourself? Have you been avoiding it because of the sheer difficulty of the job?
You can make any job easier with the right tools. Having a proper fence puller will make easy work of the stakes and posts you need to remove. You’ll save time and energy.
Keep reading for fence stake pulling tips to make your next yard project easier and safer.
Manually pulling out a fence post can be back-breaking work. But if you only have one or two posts, it may be worth doing it yourself.
The simplest method is to get a shovel and dig around the side of the post. Essentially, you will continue digging until you can drag the post out of the hole.
For heavier poles, you may want to attach a chain around them. Then use a car jack or wince to help you leverage the weight and remove the pole.
Another option is to soak the ground around the stake or post. It will be easier to dig up a post from a muddy area. Depending on how solid the ground is in your area, you may need to put a hose out the night prior to really loosen up the soil.
If you have very hard or clay-based soil, you may need to drive a stake into the ground next to your post. When you remove the stake, fill the remaining hole with water to get down further. Wait for the ground to absorb the water to avoid a suction effect between the post and the soil.
There are many fence stake pullers you can purchase or rent. This is a more practical option if you have a lot of posts or stakes to pull. They will let you pull posts safer and faster than by hand.
Most quality fence post pullers are reasonably priced. They can handle medium-sized jobs easily. Some are even robust enough for a heavy-duty job.
Post pullers utilize leverage to make the job easier. They can easily and efficiently pull T-posts and tree stumps out of the ground. Even posts buried in concrete are easier to remove with a fence puller.
Most stake pullers are stable and portable Most stake pullers are stable and portable enough for one person to operate. They require little to no maintenance. Some may use electricity or hydraulics, but many do not.
Those with a tripod base offer a little more stability and increased leverage. Using either of these versatile tools make every post pulling job less dangerous.
If you have a lot of fence posts you need to remove, then you need a fence puller tool. For just a small amount of money, you can make your job a whole lot easier!
Contact us to find the right stake puller for you.
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